It's hard to believe the last time I wrote was before Christmas. So much has happened since then. We moved, Colin turned two, mom got married, Derek lost his job and was home with us for 3 months before starting a new one last week and most importantly, our family is now complete. Samantha Rowan Katherine was born June 14th at 1:24pm, 8lbs 8oz and looking just like her brother and her Auntie Jo. Nursing has been a struggle, small baby and big boobs, but we're getting there. At this point her diet is about 65% formula and 35% breastmilk but some is better than none right?
So now that we've come out of the new baby haze I've got a few projects to start. The first is the FLYlady system. Since Sam was born I realized my old cleaning system of just doing it during naptime and after Colin was in bed was just not working anymore, leaving me running around until 11pm at night trying to get the house presentable. It's only day 3 but I like that she eases you into it slowly rather than trying to do it all on the first day.
The second is a home preschool program for the boys. My friend Melissa sent me tons of good info and links and I'm just starting to plan it all out. I'm going to try to make it Thomas themed as much as possible, Colin will pay attention to anything if it's even remotely connected to Thomas.
One thing I've been thinking of lately is what I want to do when the kids are in school full time (so not for 4 more years). As much as I would love to be a full time SAHM forever we could really use the extra money a job would bring. One option I am considering is going back to school to get my ECE diploma. Doing that would allow me to start an actual home daycare and if the home preschool thing works out then I could use that as a selling point. Then again I'm also thinking it would be nice to have something PT outside of the house where I would get to talk to adults again. Oh well, I've got 4 more years to figure it out.
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