Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tackle it Tuesday: The Toybox Edition

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

One of the things on my fall cleaning list was to clean out and organize the toys. I've been putting it off because, honestly, it seemed kind of pointless. In this house the only time that toys stay nicely put away is if the boy is sleeping. I did need to go through them and start weeding out the ones that were too babyish or missing pieces though, so that is my tackle for today.

Step 1:
Drag all the toys to the middle of the living room.Photobucket

Step 2: Let the sorting begin!
Blocks, Little People sets, bath toys, books and things with wheels
Big blocks, push toys, random toys, stuffed animals and balls

Step 3:The finished product
One bin has random toys and stuffed animals, the other has blocks, balls and things with wheels.

As I predicted, the toys are once again all over the floor but I'm hoping that now that things have a place it will make end of the day cleanup easier.

To see what everyone else is tackling this week head over to 5 minutes for mom.


  1. That is quite a tackle. I know the toys at our house get overwhelming! We are in need of this tackle! Check out my Tackle It Tuesday here.

  2. Toys can always be a tackle with kids right? That and clothes of course..lol.

    Great job.

  3. Love the toy room tackles! Just like you said a second after you take the pic it's back to being a mess! But at least it has a place! :)

    Mom All Day
